We went to the park . Mom*tog giveaway
First of all let me start by saying if you are a mom (or anyone that loves photography really) you need to check out Mom*tog. Drew B started it a while back and I love reading her new posts about life with her little one B and all things photography. When she said she wanted to do a week of giveaways for Mother's Day I decided I wanted to donate one of my 50 state shirts for the giveaway. Today is the day of the shirts giveaway along with one of Julie's beautiful necklace's and signs for your house (which I really want one of each :P) so head on over to Mom*tog and check it out and enter to win!
Saturday we headed to the park for Keeley to run around and play and me snap some photos of her in one of her 50 state onesies. She had so much fun at the park being able to run around and play on the jungle gym and Drew had fun swinging :P I love all the new things she's starting to do and how growny she's getting, although I do miss the newborn stage she's so much fun right now it makes me not too sad about it.
she was pointing at the older kids playing
going down the slide "alone" for the first time
she loves to swing, we need one of those swings for our front porch
drew spun us on the merry go round
drew had fun swinging as you can tell
she was trying to put his sunglasses back on
headed to the car to go home
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