10 on the 10th . Personal
I recently took part in a little project called 10 on the 10th with some other photographers, here is my 10 photos from the 10th (surprisingly I didn't take anything Marine Corps related...hmm)
so my day started out normal hanging out with the kiddos, looking at the Christmas toy books, drawing tattoos and trying on new hats you know the normal :P My two year old was less than thrilled about taking photos with me but I got a semi cute one of us together. Jaxon on the other hand loves photos and was a great model of his new hat
I was excited to find out one of my photos was featured on Clickin Mom's facebook which was really cool. it had been raining until the afternoon when I left to run some errands, the trees still have some pretty leaves on them
I took a trip to Hobby Lobby to get some stuff for my Christmas sessions, seriously hobby lobby is amazing and I always spend too much money in there. the sunset was beautiful! I took like 20 photos of it in between my shopping trips
our small little gretna sign which is blurred from me driving and some yummy new fabric I got because I can never have enough fabric :)
all of these were taken with the Hipstamatic app with the Chunky lens and Blanko Noir film :)
awww I love these!! They made me smile!
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