day 39
I'm slacking with posting these in this blog...
So I started out today at work and thought when I got off at 5 I was going to go by the store, get some stuff for Drew, go home edit some photos, wash some clothes etc. Well a short trip from my bestest Audrie changed all of that when she reminded me she was singing in the show tonight and well when Audrie sings I try not to miss it cause she's pretty dern good, actually she's awesome as well as her dad and the others that come out and do the show each year. I wasn't going to take my camera but I did, and I wasn't going to take very many photos, but I did, 434 to be exact lol. What can I say I was inspired. So you'll have to wait a while for the post from the show since it's getting late and I have to get up really early in the a.m. to pick my hubby up from the airport which is a 2-3 hour drive in itself down there, but I had time to pick out the photos I took just for today. I wore these really cute red peep toe heels to the show and well their not too great for running around taking photos so I ditched them after well 5 minutes and took this shot of me being the country girl I am :-P
The photos are grainy the ISO was 1600 for both since the lighting was so low the first photos is 1/10 at 5.6 and the second is 1/5 at 5.6. My light meter hated me tonight cause I was shooting and not paying attention to it since most of the time it was reading off the background but enough of my ramblings. Enjoy the photo

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