I'm a Mom*tog :)
a what you might say, I'm a mom that loves photography :) Drew B who is an amazing photographer and all around awesome and nice person (she helped me out with a camera question a while back)started a blog for moms that love photography because she is one. If you haven't checked it out you should
I have learned a lot from her blog, one of the best being about using natural light in the house and how to make your own backdrops without having to splurge on the big fancy ones. Here's some examples of me putting those lessons to work
here are some of my little one :)
and of course these of sweet baby J :)
I've been taking photos of my friends Becca's doggie graduates (and friends) here are a couple of them
I defiantly recommend you checking out Mom*tog there's a lot to learn and you get to see photos of Brayden growing up and having fun.
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