All I want for Christmas is....
Ok so my list is a little out of the question but a girl can dream right :P
1. I really want this and it's funny that I'm wanting house hold items for Christmas but we need this because our vacuum cleaner has pretty much bit the dust and this Dyson Animal vacuum looks amazing

2. This is more of a I want to find thing, some how I lost a 4gb card somewhere in this house so for Christmas I'd like to find that card, I know Keeley knows where it is but she's not telling

3. This is my drool worthy lens right now, don't get me wrong I love my 24-70mm but I love love love prime lenses and I love wide shots so this is on my want list

4. My 5D is getting a bit old and has a lot of clicks on it so an upgrade would be nice :)

5. This would be more for fun than anything. This LensBaby would also save me from ever getting a tilt shift lens since I think they do pretty much the same thing more or less. Which for the amount I'd use it would be the best way to go

6. I've heard so many good things about the ExpoDisc that I'd love to try it out

7. I hijacked this photo from my friend Rachael she got a new Kelly Moore Hobo Bag for her birthday and let me use it during a wedding we shot together and I fell in love. Don't get me wrong I love my shootsac as well but it would be nice to have both :)

What is on your wish list this year?
Your list makes me - and you know you want that Kentucky License plate as well :)
Misty, I love your list! I hope you get the mark ii! I just got mine last week as an early gift. You'll love it!
we have #1 it's both amazing and disgusting what it can pick up
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