all I want for christmas/birthday
haha so maybe this isn't a little list, but when I was little my lists were long and kinda outragous so why not now...
Actually the list should say "All I want for Christmas and my Birthday" cause my birthday is coming up the 10th of this month (everyone has 8 days to go out and buy me something :-P just kidding)
Anyways here is my List of wants this season, hopefully I'll be able to come back and check some of these off afterwards :-)
1. A MacBookPro,
this is actually something I know I'm getting, reason being I need it for school seeing as to graduate this year I'm going to be communting from Beaufort SC to Lynchburg VA once every week (yes I am that crazy) So the very expensive labtop and 2 is a must have
2. Adobe Creative Suite 3,another must have for school and with the retail price I've never been so happy for student discounts in my life!!!! I'll finally have photoshop at home and then InDesign, Illustrator and the rest of the programs are an extra added bonus for me and hopefully will help me get some design work my way :-) just came in the mail yesterday
3. Canon EOS 40D SLR Digital Camera,
I'm really feeling the 5D but with the prices the 40D might be a better bet for now, I know in reality this isn't going to show up under my christmas tree after the labtop and all but hey a girl can dream.
4. Canon BG-E3 Vertical Grip/Battery Holder for EOS Digital Rebel XT, XTI,
I've got a couple of weddings coming up this year and this is a must have!
5. Canon 430EX Speedlite E-TTL II Shoe-Mount Flash,
I actually already have a mounted flash but Amanda gave me a great idea for off camera lighting with this flash (Amanda you're amazing!)
6. A Macro Ringlight Flash,
I have a friend who uses one of these and I fell in LOVE!! I tried to steal hers but other than the fact it's for a Nikon, she also wouldn't let me :-P
7. A Bogen/Manfrotto tripod,
We have these at school and I love them, so along with the wedding wishlist, here's another that I want before the weddings :-)
8. More Compact Flash Cards,
more for weddings really, I have 2, 2gb's but I want at least 2 more
9. A Shootsac,This should have been 1 I've been dying to get one of these everysince they came out, maybe one will show up under my christmas tree this year :-) along with a pretty cover :-)
the basic shootsac got ordered a couple of days ago
10. A huge canvas print
of one of the photos of me and Drew from Natural Bridge, that might not happen until we move though cause I don't want to mess it up in the move. Santa is very generous
So that's my list, I'll have the photo from yesterday and then today up later on today, I'm helping my mom paint the guest room and I have to work on my finals as well... oh joy final time!! (insert sarcasm here)
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