My birthday and more in film . South Central Va.Gretna Va lifestyle photographer

upclose and personal

the photo on the right was an inspirational photo quote from an article I was reading, much like this photo I have forgotten what it said... this is also where I found out I had accidentally pushed the flash button in which it would never shut off...

Drew wanted to surprise me with this <3 my two men

I left out one here, I took a photo of us in the mirror and forgot the flash was on so it came out weird, but much like I forgot the flash I clearly forgot to resize and upload the photo :(

my card and my red solo cup

my little man and i

finally some with Keeley, she was eating some icecream but wouldn't share :(

Drew and I decided to go to our old highschools state championship game

the Roanoke star on the mountain, and the stadium

the guys playing (we're the blue and gold team), and I caught a plane flying over barely

two of my best friends from highschool (and Stacey is the kids godmommy :) ) (thank you Derrick for taking the photo)

I used to make Drew take photos all the time, I need to do that more again


I think she was surprised by the flash

silly faces

the kids and their beds

our family all together to end the day <3

While I was getting my disposable camera developed I got a roll I had wanted to send off done as well instead, I hate waiting haha
The sunsets going onto the island were always beautiful

I miss driving on PI and hearing the DI's yell at the recruits and them yell back and the shots at the range

The Sc State Fair, you might remember this session from there :)

love the signs

this got scanned in weird but I like it

everyone walking

this thing was cool but we didn't ride it

my hottie hubby

farris wheel again

Drew started to walk in front of the left photo as I took it, it's ok though

downtown Beaufort, my last coffee day with the girls

mom with the babies

that bridge is pretty but not fun to be on when they open it up

she loves to swing

Keeley playing and Jax hanging out

The Forrester Family session <3

hanging out

I miss our little house

happy lil man

I wanted to throw in Jaxon's 6 month photo as well, even if it is almost a month late haha I can't believe my little man is almost 7 months old and Keeley is almost 3, time flies by way to fast :(

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